Sanjo is a European Brand, made in Portugal, with a global mindset

Photo: Sanjo

Source : aicep Portugal Global

The new Sanjo presents a solution that can reach up to 100% recycled material. Soles are produced with recycled TPR and TPU – certified by PETA.

Throughout the years the famous K100 has kept its silhouette, however, it is presented today in new guise, with innovative materials of recognized quality and a 100% Portuguese output. Sanjo is proud that its footwear is moving towards a strong sustainable production, focusing on manufacturing with environmental awareness. The process has been optimized, avoiding toxic chemicals to protect nature and the health of those who produce and wear Sanjo products, achieving a significant reduction of water end energy consumption, whilst maintaining its heritage and DNA.

Sanjo’s history starts in 1933 and has now more than 80 years of legacy!

It all began in a hat factory. This popular item fell into disuse and the company reinvented itself by exploring new techniques, and like that, the iconic K100 and K200 models were born and soon became a national phenomenon.

Nowadays, the K100 and K200 models show a significant international presence.

As those who followed them, Sanjo also grew.

They came back the same, yet slightly different.“…fashion is not just about looking good…

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